Past Uniting for Action Programs

Consensus-Building for Incarceration Reform
Sept. 2019 - Jan. 2020
An early UR Action program that connected residents of largely rural Adams County with residents of largely urban and suburban Philadelphia County to take action together on incarceration reform, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Prison Society.

Uniting to Prevent Targeted Violence in South-Central Pennsylvania
Feb. 2023 - Aug. 2024
A non-partisan civic participation program that brought together community members in Adams, Dauphin, Franklin, and York counties across political, racial, generational, geographic, and other differences to address causes of targeted violence and reduce the risks in their communities.

Uniting to Address Food Insecurity with Wilson College and Georgetown University
2019 - 2021
UR Action partnered with Georgetown University in DC and Wilson College in Franklin County, PA from 2019-2021. Students worked with community organizations in both communities to address food insecurity and food waste.

Uniting for Gun Safety and Violence Prevention
Sept. 2019
UR Action’s first Uniting for Action program brought together residents of Franklin County and residents of Washington DC from different sides of the gun control / gun rights issues to find common ground and take action for safety and violence prevention.